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About Potenza

Potenza is a Brand Product of Yaari Group.

Potenza, meaning “strong energy” in Italian, isn’t just a name, it is what drinking alkaline water will get you. The water we drink forms 70% of our body so it is important that we water the right way. That’s why we’ve engineered water filtration machines that unlock the hidden potential of water within every drop. In these machines, the water is passed through seven plates to activate the natural hydrogen molecules in it. This process creates fresh, alkaline water that’s not just hydrating, but revitalizing. The activated hydrogen molecules become readily absorbed by the body, hydrating your body better than any regular water.

our products

alkaline water machine

Unlock the hidden benefits of water with Potenza. Drink it fresh, drink it pure, drink it with Potenza.


With hydroponics, you can maximize your crop production with fewer agricultural inputs.


Potenza Lubes offers about 250 products for various engines and automobiles.

Why choose us

Value-Driven Commitment
We stand firmly by our values, ensuring integrity, transparency, and ethical practices in everything we do.

Personalized Solutions
Our approach is tailored to your unique needs, providing personalized solutions that align with your preferences and requirements.

Passionate Innovation

Fueled by passion, we are dedicated to continuous improvement, constantly upgrading both our products and ourselves to deliver the best possible outcomes.

Homegrown Excellence

Proudly made in India, our products offer reliability at reasonable prices, setting us apart as one of the leading manufacturers of alkaline water machines in the country.

Why choose us

1. Value-Driven Commitment

We stand firmly by our values, ensuring integrity, transparency, and ethical practices in everything we do.

2. Personalized Solutions

Our approach is tailored to your unique needs, providing personalized solutions that align with your preferences and requirements.

3. Passionate Innovation

Fueled by passion, we are dedicated to continuous improvement, constantly upgrading both our products and ourselves to deliver the best possible outcomes.

4. Homegrown Excellence

Proudly made in India, our products offer reliability at reasonable prices, setting us apart as one of the leading manufacturers of alkaline water machines in the country.


Yaari Group mission statement is simple, which makes it stand out on this list. While you might find it ironic that a media organization that hosts hours of content would stick to a two word mission statement, it actually fits with their branding.

To create an environment for our customers and employees to thrive in, by providing outstanding customer service and delivering quality products that meet the needs of our clients.

Establishing clear goals is important for any group of companies to reach success.Leaders should ensure that all employees know what the overall objectives are and how their individual contributions fit into those objectives. 

Water that nourishes, water that alkalizes

insights from potenza


An alkaline water machine is a device that increases water pH through electrolysis, separating it into acidic and alkaline components for consumption.

Alkaline water machines use electrolysis to create alkalinity, raising water pH and often incorporate filters to enhance water quality.

Hydroponics is a soilless cultivation method where plants grow in nutrient-rich water solutions or inert mediums, with nutrients delivered directly to the roots.

Hydroponics works by providing essential nutrients directly to plant roots, allowing for faster growth and increased yields compared to traditional soil-based cultivation.

Lubrication reduces friction between moving parts, preventing wear and heat buildup, leading to improved efficiency, performance, and prolonged engine life.

Critical components like the engine, transmission, differential, wheel bearings, and various moving parts in the chassis and suspension systems require lubrication.

Grow Anywhere, Anytime
Explore Hydroponics!